Jesus + Nothing

Jesus + Nothing

Jesus plus anything equals nothing.

We are saved by Christ alone, by grace alone, through faith alone. Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith. As Christians, we must believe that Jesus plus nothing IS the Gospel and He is all we need to spend an eternity in paradise with our Father in Heaven.

Join us on Sunday mornings in August as we journey through the book of Colossians during a four-part sermon series entitled, “Jesus + Nothing.” Services begin in the fellowship hall at 9:45am for Juice & Jesus prior to the start of Sunday morning small groups at 10:05. Afterward, we gather in the sanctuary for worship at 11am.

If you are a first time guest, click here for more general information about our services, beliefs, and ministries. Scroll down for more details about this Sunday’s worship service and important announcements. We look forward to seeing you at Fellowship this Sunday!

Service Details for Sunday, August 18

God’s Word

  • Sermon Title: “Take Off Everything but Jesus”
  • Primary Sermon Text: Colossians 3:1-17
  • Responsive Scripture Reading: John 1:1-5

Congregational Songs & Hymns

  • Shout to the Lord
  • Pass Me not O Gentle Savior
  • Old Rugged Cross
  • Run to the Father

This Week’s Announcements

SCUBA VBS: Join us 6:30-7:45pm each Wednesday through August. Click here for more information.

Church business meeting immediately after today’s service (8/18) to accept new members and ratify the Nominations Committee’s report for the upcoming church year. Click HERE for a listing of proposed nominations.

Sermon Playlist