Parenting on Purpose

Parenting on Purpose

Join us on Sunday, August 25 and Sunday, September 1 for a two-part sermon series entitled “Parenting on Purpose.” This series is designed to equip families to navigate this thing called life. We cannot make our kids love God but we can Parent on Purpose and expose them to a life centered around Christ.

We all gather together on Sunday mornings in the fellowship hall at 9:45 for Juice & Jesus before breaking into Sunday School classes at 10:05. The worship service begins in the main sanctuary at 11:00.

If you are a first time guest, click here for more general information about our services, beliefs, and ministries. Scroll down for more details about this Sunday’s worship service and important announcements. We look forward to seeing you at Fellowship this Sunday!

Service Details for Sunday, September 1

God’s Word

  • Sermon Title: “Three Gifts to Give your Children”
  • Primary Sermon Text: Matthew 7:11
  • Responsive Scripture Reading: Ephesians 6:1-2

Congregational Songs & Hymns

  • Holy Water
  • Just a Little Talk with Jesus
  • Jesus We Love You

This Week’s Announcements

Children’s programs: Our new Sunday School classes and Children’s Church begin this Sunday. Teachers are: Kayla Barnes (toddler/preK), Joni Gilmer (lower elementary), and Tina Mixon (upper elementary). Kids in 2nd Grade and younger will be invited to dismiss for our new Children’s Church program during the worship service.

Senior Adults will travel to Columbus for lunch on Wednesday, September 4. Contact Karon Kirk for more information.

MidWeek Ministries resume this Wednesday evening at 6:30.

Brotherhood & WMU will be held on Sunday, September 8th in place of Sunday School classes. We will have breakfast together at 9:30 before breaking into our Brotherhood and WMU groups.

Women’s Bible Journaling Small Group will meet in the fellowship hall next Sunday, September 8, at 6pm. Contact Julie Moore for additional information.

The Lord’s Supper will be observed during the September 15 worship service.

27:17 Men’s Fellowship will launch Sunday evening, September 15. More details will be available soon.

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