Bless this Home

Bless this Home

We all want the best for our families, but all to often we stumble through our most important relationships. Join us beginning October 27 for a four week study of the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:2-11) in a series entitled “Bless this Home.” As we study God’s Word, we’ll learn how our families can experience peace, happiness, and contentment in Jesus Christ.

Our doors open Sunday mornings at 9:45am for “Juice & Jesus,” a time of fellowship and light refreshments. Sunday School classes for all ages begin at 10:05. The worship service begins in the main church sanctuary at 11, with young kids invited to dismiss for children’s church at approximately 11:10. Please stay after the service on November 17 and join us in the fellowship hall for our Thanksgiving lunch!

If you are a first time guest, click here for more general information about our services, beliefs, and ministries. Scroll down for more details about this Sunday’s worship service and important announcements. We look forward to seeing you at Fellowship this Sunday!

Service Details for Sunday, November 17

God’s Word

  • Sermon Title: “Blessed are those who are Persecuted” (Bless this Home, part 4)
  • Primary Sermon Text: Matthew 5:2-11
  • Responsive Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 4:7-10

Congregational Songs & Hymns

  • The Old Rugged Cross
  • We Gather Together
  • The Blessing
  • Revelation Song

This Week’s Announcements

27:17 Men’s Fellowship and Ladies’ Bible Journaling will meet at the church Sunday evening at 6pm.

Midweek Ministries will meet this Wednesday at 6:30pm