175th Anniversary Homecoming Service

God gave our founders a vision to plant Fellowship Baptist Church in 1850. Life was hard and their labors were difficult, but our first members faithfully met together on the Lord’s Day to worship God, hear the preaching of His Word, and love each other as brothers and sisters in Christ. Successive generations would face […]

Senior Recognition Sunday, May 15, 2022

We invite you to join us for “Senior Recognition Sunday” on May 15, 2022, at Fellowship Baptist Church. Sunday School classes will meet from 10-10:45am, followed by our worship service at 11am in the church sanctuary. Our four graduating high school seniors will be recognized during the worship service, and we will host a fellowship […]

Homecoming Sunday, May 1, 2022

Homecoming Sunday at Fellowship is May 1, 2022, and we invite you to worship with us at 11am. Please note that we will NOT have Sunday School classes prior to this Sunday’s worship service. For those who would like to make a contribution to the Fellowship Cemetery fund, attendants will be on hand throughout the […]

Special Events – April & May 2021

In addition to our regular Sunday and Wednesday services, we have several special events planned throughout the months of April and May. We will update this page as more events are added to our church calendar, so check back often! Saturday, April 2: GlowKids Easter Egg hunt at the church (11am-2pm) Sunday, April 3: Resurrection […]

Tetelestai – It is Finished…

Good Friday. So many questions of why we would think to call it Good Friday. Black Friday seems more appropriate, but I guess that name has already been claimed. I am sure if you would have asked Jesus’ mother, Mary, and His disciples they would have told you there is nothing good about the day Jesus went to the cross. But their opinion would soon change.