Living Water for Thirsty Souls (11/27/22)

living water for thirsty souls

We invite you and your family to join us at Fellowship Baptist Church this Sunday morning, November 27. Our Sunday School begins at 10am with classes for adults all the way down to young children (nursery care is available for babies and toddlers). The worship service will begin in the sanctuary at 11am and will feature special music, a baptism, and Bro. Garrett Bozeman preaching a message entitled “Living Water for Thirsty Souls” from John 4:1-42.

More information about Sunday’s services and church announcements can be found below. We look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday at Fellowship!

Sunday, November 27, 2022

10am – Sunday School Classes

  • Explore the Bible (adults, teacher: Marie Black)
  • The Breakfast Club for Youth (teachers: Robbie & Falla Bradford)
  • Glow Kids 3rd-6th Grade (teacher: Tina Mixon)
  • Glow Kids preK-2nd Grade (teacher: Tanya Helms)
  • Nursery: Kayla Barnes

11am – Worship Service (main sanctuary)

Sermon: “Living Water for Thirsty Souls” (John 4:1-42) by Bro. Garrett Bozeman

Hymns/Worship Music –

  • Call to Worship: The Blessing
  • Congregational Hymn: Washed in the Blood
  • Offertory Hymn: Down to the River
  • Special Music: Thank God for my Christian Home – Carol Redus
  • Song of Invitation: The Revelation Song

Worship Helpers

  • Praise team: Wendy Morrison, Falla Bradford, Morris Moore
  • Welcome & Announcements: Bro. Robbie Bradford
  • Ushers: Jerry Robertson, Colton Helms, Daniel Elliott, Linton Gilmer
  • Greeters: Jerry Black, Gary Elliott
  • Nursery: Kayla Barnes
  • Digital techs: Chris Robertson, Julie Moore

Announcements & Looking Ahead

EVENING SERVICE at MT. HARMONY: Linton Gilmer has been invited to speak at Mt. Harmony FWBC’s 5:30pm service this evening. Our members are welcome to join them for worship and encouraged to pray for Linton as he speaks on thankfulness.

MIDWEEK MINISTRIES will meet this Wednesday at 6:30pm: Adults’ Bible Study (w/ Tanya Helms), The Inn Crowd (w/ Robbie & Falla Bradford), and Glow Kids (w/ Candy Gordon).

CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS DRAMA: Our kids will be performing a stick drama during the morning worship service on Sunday, December 11. Practices will follow Midweek Ministries on Wednesday evenings (11/30 and 12/7).

LOTTIE MOON CHRISTMAS OFFERING: Please be praying about how God is leading you to contribute to this year’s LMCO in support of international missions. Our churchwide goal is $3000, and we will collect the offering on Sunday, December 11.

CHRISTMAS GIFTS: Our church is purchasing Christmas gifts for needy children in our local school system. If you would like to help, select one of the requested gift items from the basket in the foyer and return the gift wrapped or bagged by Sunday, December 11.