Jesus: The Better Priest (12/18/22)

Jesus: the better priest

Join us this Sunday at Fellowship Baptist Church as Bro. Garrett Bozeman continues his Advent sermon series with a message entitled “Jesus: the Better Priest” from Deuteronomy 18:15-19. Sunday School classes begin at 10am, with worship beginning in the sanctuary at 11am. More information about Sunday’s services and church announcements can be found below. We look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday at Fellowship!

Sunday, December 18, 2022

10am – Sunday School Classes

  • Explore the Bible (classes for Adults & Young Adults)
  • The Breakfast Club (7th-12th grade)
  • Glow Kids 3rd-6th Grade (teacher: Tina Mixon)
  • Glow Kids preK-2nd Grade (teacher: Tanya Helms)
  • nursery care available

11am – Worship Service (main sanctuary)

Sermon: “Jesus: the Better Priest” (scripture Hebrews 1:1-3, 4:14-16, 10:19-23; Mathew 11:28-30; 1 Peter 5:6-7) by Garrett Bozeman

Hymns/Worship Music –

Worship Helpers

  • Praise team: Falla Bradford, Morris Moore
  • Welcome & Announcements: Bro. Robbie Bradford
  • Ushers: Linton Gilmer, Xander Bradford, Nic Gordon, Jake Moore
  • Greeters: Brian Berry, Brad Barnes
  • Digital techs: Chris Robertson, Heath Elliott
  • Nursery: Terri & Jenna Berry

Noon – Christmas Lunch

Make plans to stick around after Sunday morning’s worship service and join us for our annual Fellowship Christmas Lunch! Our wonderful hostesses are providing the meat and dressing, and other church members are welcome to bring side dishes and desserts. Guests, we ask only that you bring your appetite…we want to feed you and fellowship with you after we’ve worshiped with you!

Announcements & Looking Ahead

Midweek Ministries will NOT meet this Wednesday. Adults’ Bible Study, The Inn Crowd, and Glow Kids will resume on Wednesday, December 28.

Christmas Eve service will be Saturday, December 24, 5pm. It will be a full worship service and will include observance of the Lord’s Supper and close with a candlelight signing.

Baby diapers and wipes for Taylor Richards and baby Mollie Jo are being collected in the fellowship hall.

Click here for a full listing of services and events scheduled in December 2022.