Because of You

Because of You

We hope you will join us for our 175 Anniversary Homecoming on Sunday, March 2, 2025! The morning’s activities begin at 9:45 with an informal time of fellowship and refreshments we call “Juice & Jesus.” Sunday School classes and small groups for all ages follow at 10:05. Our two Explore the Bible classes (one for adults and one for youngish adults) will begin a new study of the books of 1,2 Peter & Jude. A new College & Career small group for young adults will launch this Sunday, and we’ll also have classes for children and youth from pre-K through high school. If you are a first time guest, we’ll have folks happy to direct you to the appropriate meeting spaces.

We will all gather in the sanctuary at 11:00 to worship God through singing, prayer, and the responsive reading of His Word. Bro. Robbie Bradford will preach a message entitled “Because of You” from Hebrews 10 as he challenges us to leave a faithful legacy like those who have come before us. Young children in second grade and below will be invited to dismiss for a special Children’s Church service prior to the sermon.

Finally, we invite everyone to stick around after the worship service and enjoy the great fellowship lunch our hostesses have planned for us. Church members are encouraged to bring sides and desserts, guests are encouraged to bring a good appetite!

A word from Bro. Robbie Bradford

Worship Service details (March 2, 2025)

The Reading and Preaching of God’s Word

  • Responsive scripture reading: Romans 1:15-19
  • Sermon title: “Because of You: the Ripple Effect”
  • Primary sermon text: Hebrews 10:23-25

Congregation Hymns/Songs and Special Music

  • Just a Little Talk with Jesus
  • When We All Get to Heaven
  • Goodness of God
  • Come Jesus Come (worship team)
  • How Great Thou Art

Ministry Volunteers

  • Worship Team: Wendy Morrison, Falla Bradford, Morris Moore, Bella Morrison
  • Prayer: Brent Morrison
  • Scripture Reader: Jillian Gilmer
  • Children’s Church: Tanya Helms, Marie Black, Colton Helms, Bella Morrison
  • Ushers: Jerry Robertson, Gary Elliott, Jerry Black, Will Gilmer
  • Security Team: Dell Wheeler, Darwin Mixon

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