God gave our founders a vision to plant Fellowship Baptist Church in 1850. Life was hard and their labors were difficult, but our first members faithfully met together on the Lord’s Day to worship God, hear the preaching of His Word, and love each other as brothers and sisters in Christ. Successive generations would face […]
Category: Sunday Services
Messy Love
Life is Messy. For some of us, that scares us to no end! We often don’t know what to say, what to do, how to engage, or how to help. Many people step into community tentatively, secretly hoping it will not be messy. We all want good friends, a loving community, and easy, comfortable, enjoyable conversation. The […]
Don’t miss “Missing Christmas” at Fellowship
Are you busy this Christmas season? So were the people of Bethlehem 2000 years ago. In fact, many of them were so busy they completely missed the first Christmas! And while the decorated trees and lights and presents and family get-togethers are great, let’s not miss the true reason for celebration this Christmas. We invite […]
Being Thank-Full
“Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in everything; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 ESV We invite you and your family to join our church family this Sunday morning at Fellowship! Our doors open at 9:45am for a time of fellowship and light refreshments we call “Juice […]
Bless this Home
We all want the best for our families, but all to often we stumble through our most important relationships. Join us beginning October 27 for a four week study of the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:2-11) in a series entitled “Bless this Home.” As we study God’s Word, we’ll learn how our families can experience peace, happiness, […]
The Christian Atheist
Three out of every four people in the USA say they believe in God. Seven out of every ten Americans say they believe Jesus is the Son of God. But if we look at how people in America live, they don’t live like they truly believe. What is a Christian Atheist? Someone who believes in […]
When You Suffer
Life is hard sometimes. Struggles are a part of life, but it’s what we do…and what God does…in those struggles that counts! Join us this Sunday at Fellowship as Linton Gilmer preaches a stand-alone sermon entitled “When You Suffer” from the first chapter of James. Juice & Jesus, a time of light refreshments and fellowship, […]
Parenting on Purpose
Join us on Sunday, August 25 and Sunday, September 1 for a two-part sermon series entitled “Parenting on Purpose.” This series is designed to equip families to navigate this thing called life. We cannot make our kids love God but we can Parent on Purpose and expose them to a life centered around Christ. We […]
Jesus + Nothing
Jesus plus anything equals nothing. We are saved by Christ alone, by grace alone, through faith alone. Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith. As Christians, we must believe that Jesus plus nothing IS the Gospel and He is all we need to spend an eternity in paradise with our Father in Heaven. […]
It’s Not Personal
Join us for “It’s Not Personal,” a three-part sermon series on evangelism at Fellowship Baptist Church on Sunday mornings July 14-28, 2024.