Holy Wednesday – “The Decision”

Begin your time today with these two worship songs to prepare your heart. Take time to sing, worship, and pray before you begin your devotion.

Come as You Are – Crowder
You Loved Me Anyway – Sidewalk Prophets

Wednesday did not see as much action as the beginning of the week, but it will still be a very significant day during Passion Week.  Most scholars believe that for Jesus, this was a day of rest. But there was one person in Jesus’ company that was extremely busy. Wednesday was the day that Judas Isacariot chose to betray Jesus.  

Earlier in the week, Jesus told his disciples “ You know that after two days the Passover is coming, and the Son of Man will be delivered to be crucified”.  This statement upset and confused the disciples greatly. On Wednesday, Judas sneaks away from the others and goes to the palace of the high priest, Caiaphas.  All of the other chief priests and elders of the people were also gathered here. Judas asks them, “What will you give me if I deliver him [Jesus] over to you?”

30 pieces of silver.  That is the cost to betray the Savior of the World.  During this time, 30 pieces of silver was not a large amount.  This was the price to purchase a slave. Jesus was betrayed for the price of a slave.  

Today, think about the significance of Judas’ role in Jesus’ path to the cross.  Judas will always be a traitor in our minds. The horrible one that betrayed Jesus for next to nothing.  How could he know Jesus personally, and then turn his back on Him? Sometimes, it’s a lot easier to betray someone you love than you would think.  How many times do we betray Jesus daily by choosing other things over our relationship with Him? Think on these things today, and allow God to show you what changes you need to make.

Scripture Reading 

Matthew 26:14-16  

Begin a conversation today about what God is showing you throughout this study of Passion Week.