God’s vision for Fellowship

vision for fellowship

Our pastors, deacons, and ministry directors spent a Sunday afternoon last month answering the question, “what does it mean to be Fellowship Baptist Church?”.  They discussed our church’s past and present ministry impact within our community and talked about how to faithfully follow God’s plans for our future. In time, our leaders came to the unified belief that God’s vision for Fellowship is as follows:

“Fellowship Baptist Church exists to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the preaching of the Word and intentional relationships that equip families to love our community.”

Interim pastor Garrett Bozeman unveiled the new vision statement to our congregation on Sunday, August 13 while preaching about the early church. He also outlined the three mission pillars to which we must commit ourselves if we are to faithfully follow God’s vision for Fellowship.

“We exalt Christ through the preaching of the Word and worship,” said Bro. Bozeman. “We equip families through small groups and children’s ministry and intentional discipleship and relationships. And then we embrace our community.”

He went on to say, “What I loved about that meeting was when we got to the part about embracing community we stopped…and we paused…and we said, ‘Before we say this is what we are about, are we serious? Do we really mean it? Because if we say we are going to embrace this community, that means we are going to embrace people who don’t think like us, people that don’t look like us, people that don’t act like us. We are going to embrace a lost and dying world and a lost and dying community, and if we’re not about it let’s not say we are.’ And wholeheartedly every leader in this church said, ‘Yes, that’s what we’re about…that’s what we’re committed to.’”

Continue praying for our church and our leaders as we move forward in faith toward what God has called us to do and to be. Pray also for opportunities to use your spiritual gifts and talents as we work together to exalt Christ, equip families, and embrace our community.

Bro. Garrett Bozeman unveils God’s vision for Fellowship during his sermon “Stumbling Saints” on August 13, 2023

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