Biblical Marriage in a Broken World

Biblical marriage in a broken world

As our world becomes increasingly connected it seems that marriages are moving the opposite direction. Between work deadlines and kids’ game times, husbands and wives are finding it harder and harder to connect. Recent research found that the divorce rate among Christians is identical to that of non-Christians. What God created as a covenant, culture has treated like a convenience.

During September, Fellowship will take a break from the Book of Acts to talk about “Biblical Marriage in a Broken World.” We will spend four weeks looking at the pillars of a Biblical marriage and how our marriages are designed to be a picture of the Gospel to a broken world. We know the Lord will use this series to strengthen marriages and families within our church, and we encourage our members to invite other couples to join us this September as Bro. Garrett Bozeman preaches through this series.

“Biblical Marriage in a Broken World” series overview: